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Building Capacity for Measurement Application

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Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Organization Information

Executive Director

Please answer the following

Briefly describe the purpose and mission of your organization, including an overview of your constituency, programs and services. Does your organization serve poor and/or disadvantaged persons (Does not affect application?)

Briefly describe the program/project/activity for which you would like consulting assistance?

Additional Requirements: Successful projects require time commitments on behalf of the staff (including training, coaching, co-development of a tailored measurement system, technical assistance, problem-solving.)  The time commitment is anticipated to be 3-6 months of approximately 1-2 hours per week and will involve 2-4 members of the organization (staff from different levels, a board member, or lead volunteer.)

Cost:  $225 ($200 for Supporting Partners.) One-half of the fee is due at the time of application.

Organization Certifications: We certify that the full Board and key staff of our organization have reviewed the program description and agree to the time and cost requirements identified above.

Common Messages